Shocking moment father ploughs into his own son and crushes him over for telling his sibling he was cheating on their mother (video)

A father has been found guilty of ploughing his Mercedes SUV into his own son at a car wash amid a bitter row over infidelity.
Kamil Mohammed Nadir, 55, drove his Mercedes SUV into his son Rebath Kamil, 40, at the Local Car Wash in Dalmuir, near Glasgow, in July 2021 after he accused his father of infidelity, Mail Online reported.
CCTV footage showed the moment Kamil, a former freedom fighter from Iraq, drove his large vehicle into his son. He can be seen rapidly accelerating into the washing area. Rebath, who was spotted walking away from a car, was smashed into a wall as the car hit him.
Kilmarnock High Court, where the case was heard, was told the crash victim screamed at his father ‘you tried to kill me over a woman’.
The court heard that the bitter feud between the father and son began after Nadir and his wife had separated, and Nadir accused Rebath of telling his siblings that he had been seeing another woman.
Rebath told police in the hours after the attack: ‘My father said my brother said I’d seen my dad with another woman.
‘I said I did not say that. I said I had seen him with someone, that’s all.’
This infuriated the father, who the court was told had gone to the car wash to confront his sons. He screamed at them: ‘I will kill you all.’
Prosecutor Donald Davidson read Rebath’s police statement to the court, which read: ‘I would say that my dad was trying to kill me.
‘He drove the car straight at me and he hit me with it. If he was trying to scare me, he would have stopped the car, but he didn’t.’
But Rebath in court denied giving this statement.
Accompanied by an interpreter, he claimed his English was not good enough to ‘say those words.’
‘This is not my statement. These are not my words.’
Rebath in court claimed he did not remember anything about the incident, and said he loved his father, asking the court if he could approach him in the dock and ‘kiss his hand.’
Meanwhile, Nadir’s youngest son Datsan, told police in 2021 that he and his other brother Daban quickly began beating their dad up in the wake of the attack.
He said: ‘We started punching my dad. We were holding on to him to stop him from leaving. He was trying to kick us and struggling with us.
Rebath was crying and shouting at my dad “you tried to kill me over a woman”.
‘My dad was shouting: “This is what I’m going to do to you”.’
But in court, Datsan backtracked and said he had ‘fabricated’ his statement to police, adding that he couldn’t remember exactly what he said at the time.
But Davidson refuted the youngest son’s claims, telling him: ‘I put it to you directly that you gave this statement to police on the day when your brother was injured you were telling the truth to police that your father uttered the threat to you: “That’s what I will do to you”.
She added: ‘Isn’t it the truth that your father shouted in Kurdish “I’m going to kill you all’ before driving the Mercedes at your brother?’
Datsan admitted: ‘It was the truth at the time.’
Paul Mullen, Nadir’s defence, asked the youngest son: ‘When your father got out of the vehicle and had his hands in the air did he say he was trying to kill himself?”
Datsan replied: ‘I don’t recall. He was very shocked and pale faced.’
Mullen described Nadir as ‘a local Kurdish community leader was involved in negotiating a separation between [the children’s] parents and that separation had caused a degree of anxiety within the family.’
Despite this, Nadir was found guilty of assaulting his son to the danger of his life following a three-day trial.
Judge Scott Pattison, who remanded the former freedom fighter into custody, said: ‘It seems to me you drove your car right at him as he worked and that you did that deliberately and at speed.
It was good fortune that he was not fatally injured.
‘The reason for your attack on him is still unclear although there’s some evidence of him making an adverse report to your wife about you.
‘The course of your offending constitutes very serious violence.’
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